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EnrollmentsA $75 registration fee per student is applied upon registration (and annually thereafter). Enrollments are completed through our online portal. Once enrolled, students remain enrolled in the class until the end of the session or until guardians withdraw them (see withdrawal info below). Transfers are permissible upon approval.
Tuition & PaymentsTuition is effective from time of registration. There is no prorating for expected future absences. Recurring monthly payments are completed automatically through our portal. These will vary by the number of classes being offered that month. Charges applied on the 25th of each month. Payment is required for participation. Students may be dropped from class for outstanding payments; they may re-enroll based on availability. There is a 10% discount off additional children and classes. Tuition is billed monthly, for all the classes scheduled to meet that month. The tuition is reduced for classes meeting less than 4x -- and -- increased for classes meeting more than 4x in any particular month.
Fall 2024 Schedules
AttirePants: Athletic pants or shorts (no buttons, buckles, zippers). Tops: Properly fitting leotards or form-fitting tanks/shirts, or tucked in and secured shirts (without zippers, ties, or other embellishments). Feet: No shoes or socks. No hanging jewelry (necklaces, bracelets, hoops, etc). Hair must be secured away from face and neck. Kids wear a color-coded Achieve Sleeve, based on their class, which assists with Rewards, Communication, and Progression Monitoring. Coaches stick “badges” on the sleeves to reward kids for various accomplishments in the moment they are earned. If a child doesn’t have a sleeve, no badge can be given on that day.
SpectatorsEquipment is only for participants during their classes. Any non-participant, or participant outside of class time, is welcome to the waiting or viewing areas. Please stay off participant areas. We ask that children younger than middle school have a guardian with them until class starts, and right after class ends. Please do not stand in sitting areas or sit in walkways.
Make-UpsIf notice of an absence is given in advance, the absence will generate a make-up token which may be used for an Open Practice Make-up. Without advanced notice, the missed class may not be made up. Open Practice Make-ups are only permitted for participants currently registered in a class, so a participant must be enrolled in order to use a make-up token for an open practice. Holidays are already factored into tuition; there are no make-ups for holidays for which we close. If a child misses on a holiday on which we did hold a class, you must notify us in advance of your absence to get the make-up token.
WithdrawalsRequest must be in writing, by the 15th, to set a withdrawal beginning for a future month. The child's spot is open to others after receipt of the withdrawal notice. Returning to the same class is possible, but is based on availability at the time of request. No refunds after 2nd class.
Illness PolicyChildren may not participate if they have two or more symptoms of any illness. If your child is exhibiting signs of illness, please contact us to get a make-up token for an open practice. A symptom may cause the child to be removed from class, especially if it seems to be interfering with participation, concerns the staff, gets worse with activity, etc. For long term illness, see injury policy.
Injury PolicyThe injury policy applies to injuries with a corresponding doctor's note that prevented participation. These are treated as pre-announced absences for the dates indicated in the note; tuition continues as usual for the month. Participants may be withdrawn at any time if the doctor’s note indicates more than 4 weeks out of participation; those missed classes are credited for future enrollments.
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